Google has finally released the developer version of its latest operating system, Android 12. It’s available only for Pixel devices. According to the company, Android 12 will provide better performance and great security. If you try this operating system, you will find that plenty of features are only available for developers. Well, Google will translate all these features into meaningful experiences when the consumer-ready version of Android 12 releases. However, there are a lot of changes that Google has made on this operating system, so let’s take a look.
Android 12 will give you quite a unique notification user interface, it looks more modern now. The notification UI takes almost the same space as before, but it offers a different layout and font size. Well, there are some other subtle differences as well that you might notice, especially if you recently switched to Android.
Google also added a little snooze icon for each message notification, it will help you snooze the notification for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, and even more, you just need to tap it. Additionally, the color and quick settings of the background notifications have been changed. Besides that, you will get a quick app opening experience from notifications on Android 12. Keep in mind that this version is only for developer preview, so a lot of things will be changed when Google releases its consumer-ready version.
Google also made changes in certain parts of the settings menu. The search bar at the top is a bit smaller compared to Android 11 while the profile icon has been enlarged. Google even added a new “Safety and Emergency” section in the Settings menu; this section will give you quick access to some emergency information, such as medical details, contact info, etc. Additionally, you will get crisis alerts, car crash detection, a new Emergency SOS feature, and wireless emergency alerts. You can use the Emergency SOS feature to trigger an emergency action, but you will have to quickly press the power five to six times or more. By default, Google set the Emergency SOS feature to dial 911, but you can change it easily.
Quick Settings Panel
Android 12 allows you to disable some media players that you don’t want to appear in the settings panel. Besides that, you will get comparatively larger media notifications which means the name of the song as well as the artist will be shown in a single line. It looks nice but not as compact as Android 11.
Other New Features
Well, you already get a WiFi sharing feature on Android 11, but Android 12 made it a bit easier to do. Now you just need to tap the Nearby button on the WiFi network sharing section and your device will send all the WiFi credentials to the device you want to connect with WiFi. Besides that, you will be able to take scrolling screenshots, well Android 11 also supports this feature, but you will get a lot of improved experience on Android 12.
Haptic-Coupled Support (Audio Effects)
Android 12 features support for haptic-coupled audio effects, which means you will get a comparatively better game and audio experience on the operating system Android 12.
Improved Gesture and Navigation Mode
You will get a bit improved gestures on Android 12, now you can view multiple stuff in full screen, including reading, game, video, and more. The best thing is that now you don’t have to over-swipe to open and close apps, a single swipe will be enough to switch between the apps.
There are several other feature-improvements you will see on the Android 12 operating system, such as improvement in Project Mainline, HEVC support for unsupported applications, AVIF image support, easier moving of rich content such as audio files, images, videos, and more. Google even added multi-channel audio improvements and foreground service improvement.
Release Date
There is no doubt that we are going to see plenty of new features and improvements on the Android 12 operating system, but the biggest question is when Google is going to release it. Well, Google has decided to launch three developer-preview versions of Android 12, one has already been released, the second launch will be in March, and the third one will be in April. There will be four beta versions of Android 12 that will be available for customers to try from starting May to the end of August. However, Google has not revealed any details about the release date of the consumer-ready version of Android 12, let’s see when the company launches it.
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