Výsledky všech cvičení z 5. lekce naleznete zde:

Cvičení č. 1:
1. Mr. Smith is drinking tea. 2. You are thinking about pizza. 3. He is getting up.             4. They are speaking to Jack. 5. John is making dinner. 6. Peter is eating an apple.       7. She is teaching twenty-five students. 8. Jim is playing chess. 9. Tom is driving a car. 10. Jenny is getting dressed.
Cvičení č. 2:
1. Is Lili playing with a (the) ball?  2. Is John reading a book? 3. Aren’t they walking in the park? NEBO Are they not walking in the park? 4. Is it raining? 5. Are the children playing in the garden? 6. That (NEBO The) mother is watching her children. 7. Sophia is writing with her left hand.  8. He isn’t (NEBO is not) getting dressed. 9. Where are you going? 10. I’m (NEBO I am) waiting for my parents.   
Cvičení č. 3:
1. I have breakfast at eight in the morning. 2. Mike is making breakfast now. 3. Why are they making dinner now? 4. I like to have tea at four in the afternoon. 5. Liz doesn’t want to make lunch at two. 6. They aren’t having lunch now. 7. Tom has dinner at six in the evening. 8. Why are you having tea now?
Cvičení č. 4:
1. Why does Juliet go to the post office every day? 2. Are you going (NEBO driving) home now? 3. I don’t want to go to (my) work. 4. Why are you going (NEBO driving) to the factory now? 5. Do you want to go to that big river? 6. John is coming to our table now.  7. Patrick wants to come back home.  8. Why is John going to his garden now?
Cvičení č. 5:
1. At six thirty am. 2. At four fifteen am. 3. At eight twenty-five. 4. At eleven o’clock.      5. It is nine o’clock. 6. It is one o’clock pm. 7. It is ten forty-five. 8. At three thirty-five pm.
Každý může obstojně zvládnout základy angličtiny – číst, psát a dorozumět se… Pokud vás angličtina alespoň trochu baví, máte vnitřní motivaci, píli a velkou trpělivost, můžete se tento jazyk naučit. 

Minikurz je zkrácenou verzí kurzu angličtiny online www.anglictinajasne.cz.

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Hodně štěstí při studiu! *wine*

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